School Board Members Day poster

Deanne Mott

Deanne Mott serves as the school board's Vice President.  She has been on the board since 2015.  She graduated with a bachelor’s degree from Western Illinois University and a has a masters degree from the University of Illinois-Springfield.  Currently, she is the Associate Director of Heartland Community College.  Deanne enjoys traveling & having adventures with her family, being outdoors, listening to audio books, serving as a long-time small group member and a member of the board of Land of Lincoln CEO.  Her inspirations are those who lead by example, including her Grandpa Merritt, Micah Wakeman and her mother.

Deanne highlights the “reimplementation of roles that had been eliminated during difficult financial times and new roles that have filled gaps to better our students academic success and social emotional wellness.”  She also adds “agreements with other schools that have increased opportunities for our students outside of the classroom,” and the creation of “a districtwide strategic plan that was crafted by students, staff, faculty, administration and community that works to create globally-minded, influential citizens” as some of her favorite accomplishments as a board member.