The Sectional Championship baseball game at Arcola today has a new start time - 2:00 p.m.
9 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
go toppers
Go Toppers!
9 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Sectional Pairings
Parent/Guardian/Faculty/Staff: Mt. Pulaski Schools will be dismissing at 2:00PM on Wednesday, May 22, Thursday, May 23 & Friday, May 24. Scheduled field trips will go ahead as planned.
9 months ago, Sarah Farris
Each graduate will receive a keepsake copy of the printed graduation program. In addition, we ask that individuals in attendance at the ceremony take only 1 program per household to reduce waste and to allow all households in attendance to receive a copy. The program is also available online:
9 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Join us to celebrate the Class of 2024!
9 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Color Run 2024 - Special thanks to the sponors: Davis Brothers Inc., Trucking Elkhart Fertilizer Meister Services Olson Farms Shelter Insurance
9 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
State Senator Sally Turner Launches 2024 Outstanding Teacher Program To recognize and honor incredible educators who make a difference in the lives of their students, State Senator Sally Turner (R-Beason) has launched her “2024 Outstanding Teacher of the 44th Senate District” program. The program seeks nominations for teachers who illustrate dedication and excellence in their teaching practices. Community members, parents, students, and colleagues are encouraged to submit nominations for deserving teachers who have made a significant impact on their students and communities. “I am excited to launch my ‘2024 Outstanding Teacher of the 44th Senate District’ program and recognize an exceptional teacher who has gone above and beyond for their students,” said Senator Turner. “I encourage everyone to participate in this program and nominate teachers who they believe have made a positive impact on their students’ lives. “Nominees must currently teach at a grade, middle, or high school that resides in the 44th Senate District. The winner will be selected based on the quality of their nomination, not the quantity of submissions. Nominations can be submitted online through Senator Turner’s official governmental website through May 17th. The selected teacher will receive recognition from the Illinois State Senate, including an official certificate, an opportunity for special acknowledgment in Springfield, and a gift card as a token of appreciation. “This program is just a small token of the immense gratitude that I have for every single teacher throughout our state and nation,” continued Senator Turner. For more information about the program and to submit nominations, please visit
9 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Sign up for this strength and conditioning opportunity by May 24!
9 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Congratulations to Scout Tschantz, MPHS Senior, and Eva Leonard, MPGS 8th Grader! They were selected as student leaders in their buildings and honored at the annual Abe Lincoln Region Illinois Principals Association event held at the U of I in Springfield, IL. Special thanks to the IPA board and UIS for hosting the event!
9 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Eva & Scout
About the Girls
Girls With Principals
Program Page 1
Program page 2
On this week's episode of ROE 17 POD, we chat with Ashley Burgard, a PreK/ECE Teacher at Mt. Pulaski Grade School. Ashley talks about all things PreK including the comprehensive (and competitive) Early Childhood Block Grant she helped secure for her district. Listen now at or Pandora, Spotify, or Apple Music!
10 months ago, Sarah Farris
ROE Podcast episode featuring Ashley Burgard
A Joint Message from MPCUSD #23 and the Mt. Pulaski Police Department It's that time of year! High School Seniors will likely be chasing each other around local towns with water guns. The "Senior Assassin" game is here this year. In case you are out of the loop, the game involves high school seniors "stalking" and "shooting" each other with water guns in an attempt to be the last Senior standing. Think of "Hide & Seek" with water guns. Because the game involves a certain degree of hiding & sneaking around to surprise other players, there will likely be calls to the police, 911, and/or the school, reporting suspicious subjects that turn out to be students playing the game. For the students, the safest thing is not to play. We know it's “just a game,” but the reality is that it may not appear that way to the public. If a student plays anyway, here are a couple of reminders: 1 - School property is completely off limits as policy prohibits weapons (including toy/fake weapons) on school property. If played on school property, disciplinary consequences will occur. This includes both school properties, school parking lots and exteriors, and Veterans Park. 2 - Don't trespass onto or into other people's property while playing (especially at night) and, if you're asked to leave, do so. 3 - Use water pistols that are brightly colored, large and are clearly toys. Hiding in dark places and carrying anything that can be mistaken for a firearm is a recipe for disaster. Countless tragedies have occurred in our nation where someone with a realistic looking (but fake) weapon presents it and a police officer or citizen shoots them in defense. 4 - The same goes for wearing masks, camouflage, etc. - Don’t do it! Keep your everyday clothing on. 5 - If you see the police coming, don't run or hide. Instead, explain to the Officers what you are doing and cooperate if they ask you to stop. The MP Police Department and MPCUSD #23 do not condone the game. This is a notice to keep the public informed. If you see something or someone suspicious, please don't confront anyone yourself. Call 911!
10 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Today is the last day to register for the FREE ECG screening through the organization Who We Play For. Please go to the school website to access the link for registration. All students age 10 and up are eligible for the screening.
10 months ago, Sarah Farris
Who We Play For information
As a reminder, school dismisses at 11:30 am on Friday, Feb. 16. There is no school on Monday, Feb 19.
12 months ago, Mrs. Fricke
Today is Safer Internet Day! This day is globally recognized each year to celebrate positive digital citizenship, promote responsible online behavior, and raise awareness for a safer internet. Today serves as a friendly reminder for parents and adults to take a SMART approach in regards to a child's access to devices, screen time, social media use, and online gaming.
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Fricke
Smart online parenting tips
resources for parents
Smart tips for parents
Parent opinions matter! We have implemented changes at MPHS over the past two years based on the input we get from parents on this survey. The parent response rate is currently 9% for our parents. Thank you to those of you who have responded to the survey. We need 20% of our parents to respond in order to receive a report. Our school goal is a 25% parent response rate. I am inviting any parent that has not yet participated to help us reach our goal by taking the survey! We use the data from the parent report to help improve the school. Without ample parent participation, we do not receive data back to act on. Your opinions matter and we want to use your opinions to improve our school! Every parent/guardian is invited to take the survey! The survey window will close on March 31, 2023, so please plan survey administration accordingly. Survey link: If you have specific questions about the survey, please call 5Essentials Client Services at 1-866-440-1874. Thank you for helping us make our school a better place. Sincerely, Heather Fricke, MPHS Principal
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Fricke
Tuesday, Jan. 23 will be an eLearning day for Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23. Freezing rain is expected into the overnight and temperatures at or near freezing will make morning travel potentially dangerous. All Mt. Pulaski School buildings are closed for in-person learning and students should follow eLearning protocol. Information on evening events and practices will be determined tomorrow. (Further updates will be posted on Facebook , our website and via our automated text/phone/email system. If you are signed up but not receiving notifications, contact your building administrator.)
about 1 year ago, Sarah Farris
Monday, Jan. 22 will be an eLearning day for Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23. Freezing rain, expected from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., will make morning, mid-day, and afternoon travel potentially dangerous. All Mt. Pulaski School buildings are closed for in-person learning and students should follow eLearning protocols. Additionally, due to dangerous conditions, all practices and competitions for all student activities are canceled for the day. (Further updates will be posted on Facebook , our website and via our automated text/phone/email system. If you are signed up but not receiving notifications, contact your building administrator.)
about 1 year ago, Sarah Farris
MPHS is seeking an additional Special Education teacher beginning next school year! Come join an awesome team!
about 1 year ago, Mrs. Fricke
Mt. Pulaski schools WILL be in session tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th. See you then!
about 1 year ago, Sarah Farris
Mt. Pulaski CUSD 23 will be utilizing an e-Learning Day on Tuesday, January 16th due to the severely cold temperatures/windchill and boiler/heating issues at the grade school. Currently, all afternoon/evening practices and events will be held as previously scheduled. Please refer to the Plan for Snow Days/Inclement Weather:
about 1 year ago, Sarah Farris